Nazareth Djeredjian

Nazareth Djeredjian was born in Beirut. He received his primary and secondary education at the Yervant Demirdjian School and Hovagimian-Manougian School. He pursued his BA from the Department of Architecture and Construction at the Yerevan Engineering University in 1984 and his MA in Metal Construction specialization. He held the positions of Principal of the Roupinian School and the AGBU Sahaguian-L. Meguerditchian College. From a young age, he was actively involved in the Zareh Nubar Scout Club of the Armenian Youth Association. He worked in the Ararad Daily as a sports section editor. Since January 1994, as requestedby the SDHP Executive Committee and with his immediate engagement, the Ararad Daily became the first digitized newspaper publication in the Lebanese-Armenian media. Nazareth Djeredjian was elected as the SDHP Secretary for three years in a row (1992, 1996, 2000), and carried out the diplomatic, organizational, and electoral duties at the Homenmen. The ten-year period of 2000-2010 was the time when he headed the Compatriotic Union of Hadjin. Nazareth Djeredjian’s engagement in sports assumed the roles of the goalkeeper of the Homenetmen Antelias Football Team (1978-1982), and the standing and substitute goalkeeper of the Homenmen Beirut for six years participating in Lebanon Premier League matches, and three times, in 2017, 2021, and 2022 in the 10-km running marathon in Beirut. With the Homenmen and Dubai football teams, he participated in the Pan-Armenian Games on behalf of Beirut (2015 and 2019, respectively). Within the different expeditions, he has climbed Mount Ararat in three instances (2014, 2015, and 2019). Particularly noteworthy is his ascent in 2015 when Dzovag Keushgerian, a 13- year-old Sahaguian-L. Meguerditchian School student, accompanied him in his accomplishment. On 22 September 1984, he married Aleppo-born Hayarpi Hadjian (the latter graduated from the Architecture and Construction Department of the Yerevan Engineering University and since 1998 she has taught Armenian, Armenian History, and Religion at the AGBU Nazarian School). They have two children, Shiraz and Ararad.